Friday, January 3, 2014

A New Year!

Well we made it home to Virginia in time to beat the storm that hit Scranton in time to be here for the storm that hit us last night by surprise! We were caught off guard by this snow. Juliette couldn't wait to get outside this morning and try to build a snowman. Unfortunately what was really good packing snow last night turned into soft, fluffy stuff by this morning. But she was still able to play in it and had some fun.

This year is going to be filled with new experiences and milestones. In April we will be heading to Disney- we finally bit the bullet and are going. Josh and I haven't been to Florida since before she was born. The last time we went to the parks was just Hollywood Studios. I haven't been to Magiv Kingdom since I was 14 and Josh I think it's been even longer so everyone is excited. Whenever Juliette sees a plane now she will tell you that that's how we are going to get to Disney and she can't wait to give the real Donald a hug.

Another milestone I'm not quite looking forward to because it means she's not a baby anymore is her going to kindergarten. I see kindergarten kids every day--no way my kid could be that old! But yes, time passes and she will be in school. She's going to be with Josh and that's another thing that I'm kind of sad about- not having her with me. But I think it's a good thing. I think I would be very annoying to whoever her teacher was!

One thing I won't miss is paying for day care! What will we do with the "daycare raise"????? I can't wait to find out! :)

But for now we are enjoying the long vacation and snow outside. Monday we go back to work and I think Juliette will like going back to Diana's. So Happy New Year and stay warm!

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