Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Be gone Satan! (Juliette please read this when you are a teenager)

I thought Juliette's head was going to spin around while she puked green vomit at us last night during one hell of a tantrum. I got her from Cindy's and  had to wake her up from her nap so she was a little cranky and just wanted to be held so we cuddled for a while before heading home. When we got out of the car she said she wanted to give me a hug again so I did, then grabbed her bag from the other seat and she started screaming bloody blue murder in the driveway. She wouldn' stop. Sounded like she had been dipped in hot oil or something. I brought her upstairs and she started kicking and screaming, wouldn't tell us why she was crying, we stuck her in her room and she tore. it. up. Blankets and toys were flying everywhere. I really thought she was going to make herself throw up or crack her head or break something in her room. Finally after about 30 minutes she calmed down enough to tell us that she wanted her blue blanket (a ratty old blue dish towel she got from Cindy she has become attached to since she thinks it turns her into the Fairy Godmother). I was an awful mommy and left it at Cindy's house. Sue me. After Josh gave her one of our towels she was fine and we were able to go to the store and get her fish for the tank we got off craigslist.

I will not be forgetting the "blankie" again.

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