Saturday, March 16, 2013


Juliette loves singing along with her songs in the car. For the longest time she only let us play either Ariel, Rapunzel, or Beauty and the Beast songs. Then I started playing the Disney Classic cd songs with everything from Aladdin to Mary Poppins. She learned them after only a few times in the car and loved them so much- especially Candle on the Water so we bought Pete's Dragon for her to watch. She can sing that one from start to finish. Here she is singing one of the songs from Sofia the First. Yes, it's while we were in the car. I tried to record her singing in the car before and everytime she saw the red light she would stop and yell at me. This time I guess she was in a good mood!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mean Mommy

The other afternoon before nap....I was a mean mommy. At least that's what Juliette told Daddy before going to sleep, and what she reminded me of when she got up. Let me 'splain. After asking her nicely about 5 times to take off her pants to use the potty and her dancing around the room, I looked at her, raised my voice, and said Now. Boy that got her attention fast! We don't raise our voices to her very often- thankfully she is a great kid for the most part- trust me she has her moments. At least that told me she understands what it means when we do have to be firm. Not that she was happy about it...not one bit.

"Daddy! Mommy yelleded at me!" ..yep..yelleded.
When I woke her up...."Mommy remember when you yelleded at me? That wasn't nice. I'm sorry I didn't listen." (totally unprompted by the way)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Playing with the IPad camera


more Easter pictures

We tried a new Picture People studio that had no appointments so we were in and out in under an hour. The photographer said Juliette was the most fun she had taking pictures. Yeah she has quite a personality. She kept wanting to play with the eggs. We got 7 inches of snow on Wednesday and have been off since then- tomorrow too! I guess some of the back roads are really bad in this huge county of ours. I'm not complaining. Josh said if we had known we were going to have a mini vacation we would have gone up to PA, but we will be there shortly anyway so it was nice just to be home and do next to nothing.
Hmm.....updates. Not much. Juliette enjoyed her time with Nana and is back to her old self- naturally. 

Easter Pictures